Kitty Bradshaw's 2 Year Blog Anniversary Event

Whenever an opportunity to meet new and exciting people presents itself, I jump at the chance with enthusiasm. I LOVE meeting new people.

You don’t? Maybe you are meeting the wrong people? Perhaps attending the wrong functions?

Last night, Kitty Bradshaw’s 2 year Blogiversary delivered a fab opportunity to meet new people. It was a great evening of socializing and commemoration.

In celebrating her 2 years in the blogsphere, Kitty Bradshaw hosted a networking event for 200 New York bloggers and social media influencers.

Ha! And I was one of them! She’s too kind to have included me.

But I thought, what a great way to celebrate a blog milestone than to include other bloggers? I think that was genius of her.

Right? I’d say.

I was definitely happy to attend to partake in the celebratory festivities and of course, to meet some awesome people who blogged just like myself.

The Johnson & Johnson sponsored event was held at the modern APART Showroom on W28th Street. Let me just say, Ms. Kitty Bradshaw did not spare her invitees of a fab filled event.

There were mini manicures by Priti NYC, complimentary cocktails provided by Smirnoff Vodka, mini cupcakes by Tonnie’s Minis which I loved, cheeses sponsored by Cabot Creamery and so much more.
The good people of were also there to help attendees unfamiliar with the newly launched site to sign-up and get acquainted. With all the cool functions the website has to offer, it was great that they were there. Check out my write-up.
Mathew, a representative from Nina Shoes was there to give the scoop on their latest styles. There were a few fab pairs I must say. I had my eye on pair of sequin wedges that I need in my closet! So like me, many of the women in attendance left their information for him to follow up with. I can't wait to purchase them.

Kitty Bradshaw definitely produced a great event with this one. Congratulations to her for two years in the blogging game. As a blogger I know it’s not easy! I'm sure other bloggers will agree.

Mikki, The Obsessonista & Taina, Fit For Fashion

Finally got to meet 1/2 of, Melissa

And lastly I have to say, kudos to her for bringing together a crowd of beautiful and positive people. The only sad thing about the night, I didn't get to get a picture with the woman of the hour.

*Cues sad face*

But all is forgiven with the overall success of the night.

Krystal from the APART Showroom


So Obsessed 30.6.10  

Fantastic post! You totally captured the evening!

La:Dolce:Vita Fashion Fix 30.6.10  

Love it review! Hate that I missed it... The pic with you and the two bloggers sitting down is too funny. I thought the mannequin was a person at first. lol..

UrbanGlamGyrl 30.6.10  

Looks like a totally UrbanGlam and fab event... wish I lived in NYC! As a newbie to the blogging world I have so much to learn and hope that (better yet I KNOW - positive affirmations, lol) I will last that long! :-)

Stay FAB,

Unknown 30.6.10  

Great post. It was so nice meeting you. Loved your outfit

the beautynista 30.6.10  

you guys look great!

Timothy Hunt 30.6.10  

Dope event, and such a pleasure to meet you.


Abigail 1.7.10  

Great post! Enjoyed reading and seeing the event through a fashionista's eyes~

KMP (Keep Me Posted) Blog 1.7.10  

Great post!! You summed up the night very well. I

O So Chic ! 1.7.10  

So glad we finally got to meet. Hope to see you again soon! -Melissa