Having a Bad Hair Day?

If you haven’t had one yet this summer, you are bound to experience the “I hate my hair today, what am I going to do” moment.
I sure have!
And I’m sure we all agree: Wearing a headscarf, you know the one you wear to SLEEP, the one you keep bedside. Well it’s absolutely out of the question for any Fab Chick. If you catch yourself outside wearing one, hoping to try and hide a nightmarish hair situation, it just confirms to me one thing: I need to hurry up and write my Fab Chick Handbook.
Ok I’m not really writing one, but hmmm, let me ponder on that one for a minute.
Anyhow, back to the task at hand.
Don’t let the summer days catch you in the midst of a bad hair day. I suggest diverting from the crisis with one of this summers’ great toppers.
The fedora has proven to be a chic way to accessorize some of your summer looks as well as cover up extremely bad hair situations.
I say, pull your bangs forward, cock your hat back or to the side and throw on that fab strut and step confidently even if you hair isn’t at it’s best.
Hey, it works for me!

I love my Eugenia Kim for Target Fedora in mint green! Yes, I was having a bad hair day.
Whether in straw or a lightweight fabric, this hat style will be sure to take your bad hair days from drab to fab.
Fab Chick Tip: Since it’s summer, I suggest staying away from extremely dark shades and heavier fabrics that may have a fall/winter like appearance. Dark colors and heavier fabrics will draw more heat in the sweltering temperatures.
How about some of these fedora options for summer?

Urban Outfitter, $9.99,Free People, $38, Rag & Bone $87.50, Eugenia Kim $297
Always remember,
“Accessories often allow for more personality to shine through, letting your true personal style sparkle. Let's not only master finding what works and fits our bodies, let's master the art of applying finishing touches to our looks.”-TheFabChick
I have a few fedoras myself. But when I stay over my bf's house and wake up the next morning with bed hair, I wear his too. His actually fit me better than mine do.
But you are right. They definitely do the trick.
A fedora is perfect, for the summer bad hair days! I need to buy a few more (only have black and tan. I'm really inspired by your mint green chapeau!
The hat on Bey's head looks to small. But yea... I am quick to throw on a hat when there is a need for it lolll.
Oh i was debating for so long between the mint and the one I got ... the mint looks great on you!
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