Pile It...Layer It...Make it BOLD
Around the Neck

When it comes to necklaces, for the past couple of seasons, the theory has been to pile it on, layer it and make it bold. What Fab Chick doesn't enjoy punching up her fab-ness with a little glitz and glam to make a statement. Accessories are a great way to layer on more glamour while adding a few dimensions to your look. Necklaces have taken over as statement pieces to outfits that may otherwise be looked upon as dull.
Bib necklaces have been all the craze. These large jeweled creations have been great ways of adding a bit of attractiveness. If not bib necklaces, we're seeing pearls and chains of all different lengths mixed and layered on top of each other for a luxe appearance. For example, a basic turtleneck top could be transformed into a stunning look with incorporating a great bold piece around the neck.
The problem. You might feel like you are channeling Mr. T with some of these bold necklace choices, but we urge to you to think less Mr. T and more Egytian Goddess.

Check out how a few of our favorite fab chicks who incorporated the use a bold necklace choice.

Here are a few budget friendly choices that are FAB!

Fab Rule: If you are unsure of what earring to pair with you bold necklace choices, something a small or studs are safe earrings to wear with a large amount of embellishment around the neck.