A Shiny End to a Dull Day
I Emotionally Shopped
Hi I'm Misha and I'm an emotional shopper.
Oh wait, you guys know this about me already, so let me just cut to the chase.
After a rough workday, I needed something to brighten my day. The only thing I wanted was to either see someone I fancied or purchase something shiny and new. In this case, I relied on the latter. Shiny and new it was.
Considering I'm on a serious budget, and I do mean SERIOUS, I could not afford to go on one of my infamous emotional shopping binges.
After some quick rationalizing, I gave myself a strict budget of $30. I felt that was fair.
Where did I end up? Daffy's. I figured, eh, I never find anything in this Daffy’s so maybe I'll end up on the train ride home without a shopping bag.
A sucker for a shoe with laces this season, I found a pair of Devani patent leather oxford style heels in my size for a mere $29.99, suggested retail of $160. These proved perfect for my fall wardrobe. And I loved the slight masculine quality they have.

Talk about a fab chick approved budget find!

Here's how I wore them the first time around!

I love those misha!
Omg the vest! the shoes! the belt! Lolz I love it all!
this is SUPER FLY. I love love love it!
Misha I'm going through your closet.. lol
This look is hot, i can't lie you are fly chica, props :3
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