Make your pout stand out:
Pick your shade

Want to make your pout stand out?
A great way to achieve that is with a red lip. There is something about red lips on women that command attention and oozes irresistible femininity. It screams sexy, and powerful in one shot. The downfall, unfortunately red lips are not always easily achieved. Many women are afraid to go as bold as a red because of the difficulty that can arise in pulling it off.
The problem: wearing the wrong shade, or overdoing it with a full made up face. The result, a ‘bozo the clown’ look. Not FAB! But don’t fret ladies. The next time you are face to face with a fiery lip color just keep in mind that ANYONE can pull off the slick look of a red lip. Our guest FabChick Lena Lo wants you to remember these simple tips to making your pout stand out! For all of the RIGHT reasons.
Consider the best options for your complexion.

Serena Williams


Gwen Stefani
Still afraid to go bold? Try using a true red and blotting if necessary. Or consider a sheer red tint if using a true red is not for you. There are also great glosses that will give you the same results without an overpowering look. Tints and glosses are a safe way to play up the trend while giving your look some oomph.
The key to pulling off a bright and bold pucker is to pair your red kissers with a neutral eye and subdued blush. Keep eye make up to a minimum and cheeks their natural color. The important thing to use a shade that works for you. We recommend visiting your favorite make-up counter to get paired with the correct shade of red. Sephora is a great beauty place to go and just try different shades out.

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