Fab Chick: Awareness
Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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October marks the National Breast Cancer Awareness month, which is dedicated to the increasing awareness and the importance of early breast cancer detection. As Fab Chicks we all are affected by Breast Cancer in one way or another. Whether you've be directly affected or not it is very vital to be aware that no one is completely exempt. We all need to be clear of the warning signs and have routine mammograms performed. Early detection is always key.

So how will you contribute? You can join a breast cancer walk, donate money to The National Breast Cancer organization, or purchase items where proceeds are given to the breast cancer organizations as well. So let's all do our part to contribute to the continuous awareness of this disease that's taking the lives of Fab Chicks all over. For more information visit The National Breast Cancer Foundation onlline. www.nationalbreastcancer.org

Check out info on purchasing some of the above items.

1. Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion

2. Ralph Lauren "Hope Rib Tee" Big Pony Tee

3. Victorinox Swiss Army® 'Alliance Sport' Watch

4. Archipelago Botanicals 'Ribbons of Love' Diffuser