EDITOR'S LETTER | A Note From Misha
Don't Worry... Be Happy!
Recently I’ve read, “Researchers have found that about forty percent of the things we worry about never happen. Thirty percent are in the past and can’t be helped. Twelve percent involve affairs of others that are not even our business. Ten percent relate to sickness, real or imagine. This leaves eight percent to be things we worry about to even likely happen!”
After reading the whole passage and taking it all in, I started to realize just how much of the day I spend worrying about things I didn’t need to concern myself with or devote energy towards. Although they may initially seem valid in my mind, ultimately many of them were things I personally have no control over. What a waste of energy? Contributing hours of my day worrying about inevitable factors of life has caused me to sometimes forget to live in the moment, smell the roses and not be afraid to just be happy for the life I’ve been given.
When you think about it, why worry when you still have your life to live? The possibilities are endless when you are still breathing. Worrying solves nothing, in fact it can make matters worse—talk about mentally and physically draining. A new goal I’ve set for myself as I enter the next phase of my life is to embrace life worry free. Will be a challenge, but I’m up for it. I think we should all just don’t worry and be happy, just as the Bobby McFerrin song encourages. And besides there are too many fabulous shoes to buy and wear, awesome people to meet and wonderful adventures to experience than to worry about things we just simply can not control.
“In every life we have some trouble,
When you worry you make it double
Don’t worry, be happy”
– Bobby McFerrin 1988 “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”

I love this! I'm a chronic worrier, you wouldn't believe some of the mess I worry about. One thing that helped me was someone telling me that worrying shows God you don't trust him.
I remember that to keep calm and carry on
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