Fab Chick: Color Trend Alert
We're Tripping on Acid Yellow

Fab Chick Tip: Ladies, let’s not over do it with the highlighter yellow. Too much will definitely be overkill. To retain a chic look, it's best to choose one item as your focal point, (shoe, handbag, or dress) in this very bright color, keeping all other components minimal and neutral.
Here are a few Fab Chick approved acid yellow items:

1. Nanette Lepore $348
2. Elizabeth and James $354
3. American Apparel $22
4. Sam Edelman $48
5. Express $59
6. Marc by Marc Jacobs $52
7. Elizabeth and James $385
8. Charles David $198
9. RACHEL Rachel Roy $109
10. Dolce Vita $80
11. Hollister $29
I gotta co-sign on the acid yellow for Fall, it will be a hit. Actually im feeling all hues of yellow this fall. I feel a color workshop 2 coming on...
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