A Fab Chick's First Blind Date
The Great Tweet-Up

@stylesaveur @fitforfash @_Obsessionista_ @addikt2fashion @TheFabChick @thebeautynista we should all meet up one of these days.The @replies poured in: “yes we should” “most definitely” and then there was my response, “I’m down.” And this is how The Great Tweet-Up was born.
Yes, I named it that.
I’m not quite sure who sent the initial tweet, but somewhere along the lines I became head master of this thing. I was nominated and given the task to organize and find a place, set a date, and time we could all agree to meet up.
Just call me the Fab Organizer.
My mission became clear. I had to find a trendy spot where we would be able to enjoy a meal, have cocktails, and get acquainted. After suggesting 5 different restaurants, we all agreed on Nooch, a Thai and Japanese Fusion Restaurant on 8th Avenue in Chelsea at 6:30pm on Friday.

As I hopped on the downtown A train from work, I have to admit I was a bit nervous. Maybe it was more like being a little unsure of what I was about to walk into with this tweet-up. I didn’t know these women from a bottle of nail polish. Could they have wanted to set this up to put an end to TheFabChick? Who knows?
But what I did know was that we all seemed to vibe and mesh well on Twitter. We all blogged. We all shared a love for fashion in some way.
I got there a bit early, settled in our booth for six and decided to take full advantage of the happy hour by ordering a glass of wine. Before I sat down to chat for hours with strangers, I needed to take the edge off the hectic day I had.

A few minutes later, the last member came strolling in completing out Tweet-Up. And then there were five. There were suppose to be six of us, but unfortunately @thebeautynista could not make it.
*Cues the sad face*
As we all sat there enjoying our meals, we dished about everything ranging from hair, fashion, marriage, raising children, blogging, walking in heels, to animals and OCD. The discussions were pretty vast, and I loved every minute of it.
I remember saying to myself:
I’m in the company of such awesome women right now.
They were all career professionals and women of a certain age.
Hmph. Don’t let the baby faces fool you guys!
There wasn’t a dull moment, especially with the funny @fitforfash around. She kept us all laughing. And would you believe it, no one even remembered or cared to bother tweeting during the entire dinner.
But on a serious note, I have to say that I truly had an amazing time with this group of women. They’ve further confirmed what I’ve learned about the importance of creating and building a network. That is what Twitter is about isn’t it? It’s not just live tweeting about reality TV or the happenings of an award show. Even though we all partake in some of those tweets as well. Hey, you need a little fun banter every once in awhile.
I must say this, it’s super refreshing to meet positive women of substance, women going places, women striving for something great and just a group of women who are all around Fab Chicks!
After a successful first blind tweet-up date, admittedly there are a few others I would love to Tweet-up with. But of course, Fab Chicks only!
Sounds like you Fab Chicks had a good time!!!
So inspiring! I've met so many new friends through twitter and social networking in general, and.... become much closer to my old friends. I've always said the most valuable rescource a woman can have is a group of good women friends. Thanks for the post! @Ibelieveinstyle
Great, great, great post!
I wrote a similar piece last week about the joys of Twitter. Like you said, it ain't all about live-tweeting and talking shit. Even though that stuff is fun too. LOL
I too have met some wonderful people there and made some very valuable connections.
Kudos to you for putting faces to the names of the people who you've connected with on Twitter.
I can vouch for the beauty of twitter!!! Meeting down-to-earth like minded women is a wonderful feeling! I felt the same way when I met Anna (@shoesmitter @shoehunting) and Eileen (@Fabulous_Soles) Glad you ladies had an amazing time! Super fab post/pics! xoxo
This was a fun post but timely for where I am in my life. I have a great girlfriends whom I've know since kindergarten but we all live in different cities and don't get together as much as we would like. I'd love for this to be a possibility of me meeting some fab chicks here in my city that I can enjoy a few outings with. I've been hesitant about putting my location out there but blogging has taken some of the concern off there. I'll consider this a bit more. Thanks for sharing!
I'm jealous! lol!
I'm all late but I LOVE reading about stories like these. It's so cool and rewarding to meet other women who have similar interests and who are just so darn great! That's how I feel having met you and the crew, Misha :)
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